Local Giving allow you to make a one-off gift or set up a regular payment to Age Concern Twyford & District.
Proud partners
We work directly with Wokingham Borough Council to promote and maintain independent living for elderly residents in and around our local community.
The council has a wealth of resources to help older adults and their families get the right support for them. Search Wokingham Council's website for more information.
We're grateful for the continued support from the David Brownlow Charitable Foundation. They help support our outreach programme to bring in new members to our Day Centre. The David Brownlow Charitable Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the lives and wellbeing of individuals and communities where there is an element of disadvantage, through personal development such as education, the provision of new equipment, or the improvement and regeneration of their community.
Age Concern Twyford & District works with a number of organisations providing supporting services to our Centre, including ones run by our Local Authority, voluntary groups and private companies. Age Concern Twyford is a founder member of Twyford Charities Together.
The group's focus works is on how our community can support the elderly in and around Twyford. For instance, enabling people to acquire mobility scooters or organising events for National Dementia Week, National Carers Week and the Twyford Dementia Action Alliance.
SOLLA is a not-for-profit organisation w aim is to ensure that consumers are better informed about the financial issues of later life and can find a fully accredited adviser quickly and easily.
The Link Visiting Scheme is a befriending service for older people in Wokingham, aiming to reach out to those people in our community who could do with a little extra company. Volunteers visit local residents about once a week to offer friendship and support.
Our solar panels arranged through Utility Warehouse help to keep our energy costs down.
Optalis provides a range of support and care services for older people, adults with a disability and people with mental health needs both in the community and at home.

Twyford & District Round Table is part of a UK wide movement to give young men (18-45 year olds) a place to meet, make friends, and exchange ideas, the Round Table is non-religious, non-political and non-sectarian, and has as much to offer men today as it did when it started in 1927. As important as what the Round Table is, is what it isn’t. If you think the Round Table is a closed, secret society that belongs to the past, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Across the country 8,000 members meet regularly in 600 clubs around the UK to see friends, have fun, and get involved in their local communities.
Our Supporters
We are very grateful to the following companies and organisations who have provided practical assistance and material support to the Centre.
Beauty in Blooms - our Twyford florist kindly make regular donations of flowers to the Centre. Tel: 01189 344420
Benedict Charles – local financial planning experts who provide us with financial advice. Tel: 0118 391 3950
B.G Plumbing & Heating Services - for providing labour free plumbing services for our on-site hair salon. Tel: 07545 251481
Hare Hatch Sheeplands - our friendly local Garden Centre have donated plants and hosted events. Tel: 0118 940 1600
- Bridge House of Twyford - a provider of independent and assisted living as well as a care home, they supported our famous Christmas lunches by providing the turkeys. Tel: 0800 230 0206
Hennerton Golf Club - a uniquely beautiful 18 hole parkland course tucked within ancient woodland in an area of outstanding natural beauty, overlooking spectacular views stretching over the Thames Valley, Berkshire Downs and Chilterns. Tel: 0118 940 1000
Home Instead Senior Care - provides care for people living in their own homes in Maidenhead, Twyford and Henley. Tel: 01628 299097
Mackellars Painting & Decorating - providing labour free services to re-decorate our Day Centre. Tel: 07960 644533
Plumbing and Building Maintenance - support us to maintain our facilities at the Centre. Tel. 0118 903 4020 Mob 07973 173 872
- Polehampton School – who’s pupils give up their time to support our charity
Right at Home - this Twyford based home care provider supports people to live independently, safely and happily in their own homes and has been a great supporter or ours over the years. Tel: 0118 207 0600
RG10 - Twyford’s independent community magazine and business directory supports us with publicity. Tel: 0118 907 2510
Tesco Express - Donating many treat and raffle prizes for our Members. Tel: 0345 6102817
Waitrose - our village supermarket, located in the heart of Twyford. Tel: 0118 934 4646
Westgate Electrical Services - an established local company serving local customers for over 10 years and helps to keep the lights on at our Centre. Tel: 0118 937 1277
Wokingham United Charities - for supporting us through their Winter Hardship Fund